We Decided To

In 1961, John F. Kennedy announced that America would send a man to the moon. Do you know how much we knew about actually getting there? Nothing.

By 1969, Neil Armstrong took, “…one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Bill Gates decided a computer should be on every desk in every business and every home in America. Steve Jobs decided a phone could do more than make calls. Mark Zuckerburg decided an online experience could connect people rather than separate them. Walt and Roy Disney decided to build the happiest place on earth. When they made these decisions, do you know how much they actually knew about making those things happen? Nothing.

Several years ago, volunteers in Owasso decided that an intentional focus on character would strengthen our community.

Their work continues today as the Owasso Character Council. Another group decided to build Funtastic Island near German Corner. Today, the Owasso Community Foundation helps fund neighborhood improvement projects with a vision that continues to grow. In 2013, volunteers decided that a family-friendly party once a month on Main Street featuring local food, entertainment, and vendors could be something our community would enjoy. The Owasso Gathering on Main was born.

I know men and women who have risked everything to make new friends, begin new businesses, start new churches, and serve the hungry, homeless or hurting. Choices like these transform a community. No matter how much they have or how little they know, it all happens for one simple reason.

They decided to.

It makes me wonder. What will you decide today?

How would your world be different if you decided to treat people with respect whether they earned it or not? How would your family change if you decided to confess when you are wrong and forgive when you’ve been wronged? How would your relationships grow if you decided to talk instead of fight, listen instead of talk, be compassionate instead of competitive or serve sacrificially instead of demand selfishly? What if you decided to believe the best instead of assuming the worst?

These are the kinds of decisions Jesus Christ made for you and me. He showed respect for the woman caught in adultery. He forgives those who have rejected and rebelled against Him. He listens to our prayers and is moved with compassion by our weakness. He gave His life on the cross to take the punishment and penalty of your sin. Why? Because He decided to.

Let these stories inspire you. Let the grace of God guide you. Place your faith in Christ and become someone who decides to.

Originally written for the Owasso Reporter.