A community is a place people want to live.
For nearly 25 years, Owasso has been my home. The people of this community have blessed my family. As a City of Character, we raise a standard, something to celebrate when we succeed and to correct back to when we miss the mark. We’ve grown into a large, modern city. It’s growth that must continue. At the same time, we can maintain our small-town charm as a place where people want to build their lives.
We’ll do this by overcoming every obstacle and making the most of every opportunity…together.
Our Priorities
Family is your first community. Whether your family is large or you’re a family of one, strong families build strong communities.
Strong Families
Churches, non-profits, businesses, schools, and city government—working together amplifies every effort to improve our quality of life.
Better Together
Something powerful happens when we use who we are and what we have for the benefit of others. Serving one another inspires our community.
Volunteer Character
Schools equip us for the future and give us a reason to celebrate. Public, private, or in the home, quality schools strengthen our community.
Community Spirit
Business is the word we use to describe how we create value for one another. Quality jobs and growing businesses are investments in the future of our community.
Economic Opportunity
Police, Fire, and Medical services keep us safe. Streets and utilities keep us connected. Healthy growth is an intentional decision to develop in new directions while strengthening established neighborhoods.
Healthy Growth
Register before January 17th
Decisions are made by the people who show up.
Register before January 17th